Pointing Dog Dharma
"I asked Sparky if the black eared pup, having just freed himself from the fetter of his collar, would really have stopped mid-escape to...

The Run of The Spinone
From Rooster, Part Two, Chap. 11: "Of course, a Spinone doesn't run with the speed and energy of a pointer, not "hell bent for leather,"...

The Story of the Pooka
In Rooster we learn the story of the butterfly pooka as Tom and Janice watch Rooster's race from the top of their camper. Jan was holding...

Sioux, The Past is Prologue
In Rooster, I tell a little bit about the early years of America field trialing, about Hall of Famers Jim Avent and Hobart Ames, and...

En Garde
"From the time he graduated to a shooting dog, Tom’s Deputy was slicing through the field trial courses of the Eastern states. His April...

On the pastel, December Sunset, by Rosalind Trigg
The barren birches, beeches, alders and oaks rising out of the fallen snow present a study of gray variations that is enhanced by the...

A Picture Can Say Only So Many Words
Sometimes the field grasses are so tall that they will tickle a short man's chin. His bird dog will get lost in those grasses, and its...

Big Lou, Wild Bill and Canada Sam
"Tom's concern was heightened by the thought that Amy might be Mike's scout. 'Those two kids will be gobbled up by some of those...

The Tennessee Walker
"The trial gait of a Tennessee Walker is just as its name implies, a walk, although at a working pace. The field trial handler will...

The Run of a Field Trial Dog
StartFragment"There is no one word to describe the hunt and race of a shooting dog, like you might say of a horse that it gallops or of...

From Rooster, a Field Trial Fable: "Of course, if you're in a hurry to move on, then you might just go and ask Jan's dog, Sparky. He was...

A Puppy Point
From Rooster, a Field Trial Fable: "The butterfly flew over to the pup, lit on its nose, then flit right off and away again across the...

English Pointer
StartFragment"A field trial pointer is not unlike the cowboy of the old West. He is a range rover, living a hard and fast life. On game,...

English Setter
StartFragmentFrom Rooster, a Field Trial Fable: "There isn't much that's cowboy-like in an English Setter. Unclipped, it has a long,...